Veteran Flags

Girard Main Street is proud to offer you the opportunity to honor a veteran or someone currently active in the military. Each year Veteran's banners will hang on the square in Girard for approximately one month in conjunction with Veteran’s Day activities for four consecutive years. After the banner’s four-year term is completed, the banner is retired. Girard Main Street will then contact sponsors to give them the retired banner and give sponsors the opportunity to reauthorize a new banner.

To submit an application simply fill out the online form below or stop by the Chamber of Commerce.

Sponsors will be asked to provide a picture of the Veteran in uniform, complete the application and make a payment of $250.

Air Force
Marine Corps
Coast Guard
Selected Service
Space Force
I certify the statements made in this document are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that the veteran is eligible for this honor. This flag will be posted for four consecutive years. At this point, it will be retired and returned to the applicant.

Sponsorship Fee - $200.00